bad breath

Got Bad Breath? Good Questions to Ask the Dentist

Medically referred to as halitosis, bad breath affects a number of people, even though many people never share their concerns with other people or their dentist. If you are experiencing breath that makes you self-conscious when you open your mouth, this is an issue you should discuss with your Owensboro dentist. Here are a few questions to ask.

Do you have gum disease?

Gum disease and bad breath can be directly linked, and if you have gum disease like gingivitis, it can mean that the health of your teeth is at risk as well. Gum disease may generate a host of symptoms beyond halitosis, such as:

  • swollen gums
  • receding gums around your teeth
  • red, irritated gums that bleed easily

If you struggle to combat bad breath, make sure to ask your dentist if gum disease could be to blame. If issues with your gums are not addressed, it can make problems with bad breath far harder to control.

Are there products you can use to thwart bad breath issues?

Products with baking soda can help keep poor-smelling breath at bay, mouthwash may offer some relief, and even sugar-free gum can help. However, your dentist may actually prescribe something like a medicated mouthwash specifically formulated to eliminate the germs and bacteria that can cause bad odors. Your dentist may also offer helpful recommendations, such as recommending that you come in for hygiene visits more frequently or switch to a different type of toothpaste.

Is there anything the dentist can do to help with halitosis?

Some people have problems with bad breath due to issues with their teeth. For instance, if your teeth are crowded, it can make it easier for food to get trapped between your teeth, which leads to bacteria in your mouth and more instances of foul-smelling breath. Your dentist may be able to combat some problems through typical dental treatments.

Bad breath can make you self-conscious about how you interact with the world around you, but this issue is not uncommon and you should never e embarrassed about asking for advice. Reach out to us at Travis Wilson Family Dentistry and set an appointment so we can help you out.

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