How Long Do Fluoride Treatments Last?
Fluoride treatments can be a great way to protect your child’s teeth by strengthening the exterior of the tooth. Below, we’ll look at how often you’re meant to have these treatments, and what you can expect from the service.
What Is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a mineral found in a number of everyday items. Anything from fish to eggs to public drinking water contains fluoride, and all of these sources can be a good way to keep your children from developing harmful cavities. However, even with all of the everyday sources, not every child gets enough to reap the mineral’s full benefits.
What Are Fluoride Treatments?
Fluoride treatments refer to the application of fluoride by a professional dentist, usually in the form of a gel or a rinse. Once the fluoride is released, it works its way into every crevice of your child’s mouth, ensuring that everything from their gums to the pits of their teeth is coated in fluoride.
Does Fluoride Last Forever?
No. Dentists in Owensboro, KY typically recommend having fluoride treatments every six months until they’re around 16 years old. If you want to give your child an even better chance of staving off dental disorders, consider how a reputable fluoride toothpaste can help. You can incorporate foods with fluoride in theme, such as raisins, potatoes, or oatmeal.
Fluoride in Owensboro, KY
If you’re looking for fluoride treatments in Owensboro, KY, contact the team at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry. We can help you schedule the most convenient and helpful services, so your child can ward off everything from root canals to tooth extractions down the line.How Long Do Fluoride Treatments Last?