Something’s Stuck in My Gums: What to Do?

Everyone’s experienced it at one time or another. Having something stuck between your teeth is one thing. But having something stuck in your gums is a whole other concern. This is because the food debris that’s stuck in your gums will quickly begin to decay. Bacteria will feed on it, leading to more problems, and eventually the health of your tooth may even be threatened. If you’ve got something stuck in your gums, here’s what you should do.

Rinse Your Mouth

First, try rinsing your mouth. Swish water between your teeth where the debris is trapped. This might dislodge the item. If not, try the next step.


Gently use dental floss to try and dislodge it, being super careful not to push the debris farther into your gums. You might also use the pad of your finger to apply pressure to move the piece of food debris away from the gums.

Don’t Use a Toothpick

Avoid the use of any sharp objects to dislodge the debris, as this could easily damage your gums. It could also increase the risk of a gum infection.

If you can no longer see the debris, it’s time to visit your dentist in Owensboro, KY.

Symptoms to Look For

Contact your dentist and let them know if you have any of the symptoms listed here:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • pain
  • tenderness
  • bleeding

If you have these symptoms, your dentist may want to schedule you right away for an appointment.

When to Avoid Self-Removal

There are times when you should skip the steps of trying to remove the debris yourself. If the debris is deeply embedded, causing significant pain, or if your gums are already bleeding, avoid attempting to remove it on your own. Self-removal efforts in such cases can worsen the problem, leading to more severe gum damage or infection.

Contact your dentist in Owensboro, KY today for assistance with all your dental care needs, including if you have debris stuck in your gums.

Conversation between two dentist in dentist's clinic

3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Dental Appointment

When you go visit the dentist, it’s important to make the most of your check-up. Your dentist in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY, can give you a lot of good advice to help you take care of your teeth, but asking questions gets the conversation started. Below are three questions you can ask the next time you visit the dentist.

1. What can I do to improve my oral hygiene routine?

Your dentist will have a good sense of how you’re taking care of your teeth just by looking in your mouth during your checkup. Your dentist will be able to see where plaque is building up on your teeth and where your teeth are getting properly brushed. Asking this question prompts your dentist to give you a tooth brushing and flossing tutorial.

2. Am I at risk for any dental conditions?

If you’re at risk for dental conditions, your dentist will likely know just by asking you questions about your lifestyle, habits, and medical conditions. For example, if you smoke, your dentist can tell you about how this affects your dental health. If you’re pregnant, this can put you at risk for certain dental conditions as well.

Asking this question gives your dentist an opportunity to talk about the dental conditions that you’re most at risk of experiencing and what you can do to avoid those conditions.

3. When should I make my next dental appointment?

Most people need to see the dentist every six months for preventative dental care in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY, but if your dentist has identified a condition or dental problem, your dentist may ask you to return sooner. Ask your dentist at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry when they hope to see you back.

3 Goals for Your Oral Hygiene In the New Year

The new year is coming soon, and it’s the perfect time to brush up on your oral hygiene routine. Having goals for your dental health and your smile can generally help you have a brighter and more beautiful smile by the time the next year comes to a close. As your dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, we’re committed to helping you with these goals. Below are three excellent goals to have for your smile in the new year.

1. Achieve a whiter, brighter smile.

Do you want whiter teeth? You can have them if you sign up for professional teeth whitening services. Going to the dentist for teeth whitening can help you achieve a brighter smile without any risk of over-whitening. We can help you make your teeth several shades whiter, all in just one session. Professional teeth whitening is an easy and efficient way to make your teeth look healthy! To find out more about our whitening services, call our office.

2. Straighten your teeth.

If your teeth are crooked or your jaw is misaligned, straightening your teeth can be good for your oral hygiene. Crowded teeth specifically can be very problematic because teeth that are crowded together are harder to clean. Get your teeth straightened with clear aligners or braces. At Travis Wilson DMD, we can help you with either of these straightening devices.

3. Start seeing the dentist twice.

If you only see the dentist once a year (or less), you could be doing your teeth a great disservice. Start seeing the dentist twice annually to avoid cavities, infections and gum disease. Call us today to make your next appointment for dental preventative care in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY.


3 Questions to Ask the Dentist At Your Next Appointment

When you visit the dentist in Beaver Dam, KY, it’s important to make the most of your time at the office. Asking the right questions during your dental appointment can help you get the information to take good care of your teeth when you go back home. Below are three examples of good questions that you can ask during your next dental appointment.

1. Is there anything I can do to improve my oral hygiene routine?

Are you cleaning your teeth well when you brush? Where are you missing spots? What can you do to improve the way you brush and floss? Your dentist will be able to see where there are deficits in your toothbrushing and flossing routine and will be able to point out areas for improvement.

2. How is my dental health?

Are your teeth and gums healthy? Are your teeth and gums at risk for certain conditions? Your dentist will be able to tell you.

3. What do these symptoms mean?

If you’re experiencing symptoms like tooth pain, discomfort or sensitivity, talk to your dentist. Your dentist can help you interpret these sensations and tell you what to look out for moving forward. Your dentist may also have some suggestions for how you can alleviate discomfort in the future.

Make a List of Questions for Your Next Dental Cleaning

Your dental cleaning is the perfect time to ask questions about your oral health and hygiene. If you have questions for your dentist at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, write them down before your next dental appointment. This will help you remember these questions during your appointment for dental preventative care in Beaver Dam, KY. Call today to make an appointment.


3 Things You Can Do to Avoid Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can be devastating to your smile. Gum disease can cause gum recession and eventually tooth loss. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent periodontal disease in Owensboro and Beaver Dam KY. Below, we’ve outlined some of the things you can do to maintain good oral health.

1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene At Home

Good oral health starts with good oral hygiene at home. There are many things you can do to keep your teeth clean, with less bacteria. Some examples:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily. Brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night before bed, following the instructions provided to you by your dentist.
  • Floss once per day. Floss every night before bed, again following flossing instructions provided to you by your dentist.
  • Switch to an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes use an oscillating motion to get the teeth especially clean. Most models also come with a timer to ensure you brush your teeth for long enough.

2. See the Dentist Twice Per Year

Unless yourdentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam KY tells you otherwise, you should go in to see the dentist twice per year. Your dentist can examine your teeth, clean away plaque and tartar, and diagnose any conditions in their early stages.

3. Know the Signs of Periodontal Disease

Know the signs of periodontal disease, and see your dentist if you notice any of them. Signs include:

  • Bleeding, swollen gums
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away with brushing your teeth
  • Loose or missing permanent teeth
  • Receding gums

Are you noticing the signs of gum disease? Get help from a dental professional. At Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, we diagnose and treat periodontal disease. Call today to make an appointment.


Best Foods for Your Oral Health

Brushing and flossing daily can do wonders for your oral health. However, did you know that certain foods can also be healthy for your teeth and gums? In this post, we’ll talk about the best foods for your oral health.

Fiber-Rich Fruits and Veggies

Fiber is great for our dental health, especially in the form of fruits and vegetables. These fiber-rich foods help to clean our teeth and gums, resulting in a cleaner, healthier smile. Furthermore, these foods get saliva flowing, which is also very beneficial for reducing dental issues. In fact, this can even help prevent cavities and gum disease.

While eating fiber-rich foods is important, you should also visit a dentist for routine checkups. To schedule a checkup and teeth cleaning in Owensboro, KY, or the surrounding area, make an appointment with Dr. Travis Wilson today!

Dairy Products

Several dairy products are also excellent for our dental health. This includes plain yogurt, cheese, milk, and other forms of dairy. These foods help to create more saliva, and the calcium and phosphates help to restore minerals lost in your teeth. Another perk is that dairy products rebuild tooth enamel, keeping your teeth strong and healthy.

Fatty Fish

Eating fish benefits many areas of our bodies, including our teeth and gums. One reason is its high source of vitamin D, which is necessary for almost every system in our body. Another benefit of this vitamin is its ability to lower the risk of tooth decay. Vitamin D and vitamin K2 work together to bring calcium to our teeth, helping to strengthen the enamel. Fatty fish is also rich in omega-3s, which supports gum health and may even help prevent and treat gum disease.

Speak with our dentist in Owensboro, KY, today to learn more beneficial foods for your oral health!


5 Reasons to Floss

Flossing refers to cleaning between the teeth. Traditionally, people used a long piece of floss to accomplish this, hence the term, flossing. However, today there are numerous easy-to-use tools designed for flossing (e.g., interdental brushes, floss picks). Along with biannual dental cleanings from a dentist in Owensboro or Beaver Dam, Kentucky, daily brushing and flossing are critical aspects of good dental hygiene.

What Makes Flossing So Important?

When food remains trapped between the teeth, harmful bacteria and fungi within the mouth are able to thrive. These microorganisms protect themselves and cling to the teeth by becoming enmeshed within the sticky biofilm (aka plaque) that covers the surface of the teeth. Removing food debris reduces plaque build up, which deprives the bacteria and fungi of the nourishment they need to survive.

Neglecting to floss can lead to a variety of problems:

  1. Tartar buildup – plaque hardens into tartar. Once hardened, at-home removal is no longer an option. Tartar must be removed by a dental professional who uses a variety of specialized tools. If tartar is not removed, gum disease (aka gingivitis) may result.
  2. Halitosis – chronic bad breath. Studies indicate that approximately 90% of chronic bad breath results from the volatile sulfurous compounds (VSCs) that the anaerobic bacteria in the mouth release.
  3. Dental caries (aka cavities) – as a tooth’s hard outer layer (i.e., enamel) sustains damage (i.e., decays), its structure weakens and breaks away. This damage is referred to as a cavity. Without restorative treatment from a dentist in Owensboro or Beaver Dam, Kentucky, the damaged tooth may become infected. At this point, the individual will most likely begin experiencing pain.
  4. Gum disease – tartar buildup can contribute to swollen, red, sensitive gum tissue that bleeds. The damage that the first stage of gum disease, which is referred to as gingivitis, causes is reversible. Nonetheless, if treatment for gum disease is not sought, once an individual develops periodontitis, any damage the disease causes is permanent.
  5. Cardiac problems – the bacteria responsible for causing the gingival tissue to swell may be able to enter the bloodstream via an opening in the tissue. Once in the bloodstream, these bacteria can contribute to inflammation in other areas of the body, including the heart.

If you are in the Beaver Dam or Owensboro, Kentucky, area, and you are concerned about your dental health, contact Dr. Travis Wilson today. To schedule an appointment at Dr. Wilson’s dental office in Owensboro, Kentucky, please call (270) 926-6040 or for an appointment at his office in Beaver Dam, Kentucky, office, please call (270) 274-3645.

5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth This Summer

Maintaining healthy teeth is important at all times of the year, but it’s especially important in the summer when you’re likely to attend big gatherings with lots of food and dessert. Knowing how to maintain healthy teeth this summer can help you avoid an infection, cavity or another painful dental problem.

1. Floss Regularly – Even At Events

Floss after meals, especially when you’ve eaten summer foods that can easily be caught between your teeth, like corn on the cob and ribs. Flossing may sound challenging if you spend half your summer attending barbecues, but this gets easier when you bring floss with you. Put floss in your purse, your glove compartment, or your backpack.

2. Swish After Eating Staining Foods

Barbecue sauces, berries and iced coffee are all popular in summer – and all can stain your teeth. You can head off some of these problems by swishing with water after eating or drinking something that can stain your teeth. Chasing staining foods and beverages with water can help keep away the worst of the stains.

3. Minimize Sugar Intake

It’s hard not to eat a lot of sugar in summer. Ice cream, milk shakes, cherry pie – these popular desserts make an appearance at family get togethers, barbecues and other social events. Do your best to minimize your sugar intake. Moderation is good for you!

4. See the Dentist

Make an appointment to see the dentist in Owensboro KY this summer. Your dentist will clean your teeth and can also catch dental problems in their early stages.

5. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

In addition to getting preventative care in Owensboro KY from your dentist, it’s also important to maintain good oral hygiene at home. Brush your teeth and floss every evening, and brush in the morning as well. Have more questions? Call Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today.

Should I Be Cleaning My Child’s Teeth?

Many parents clean their child’s teeth for them until they reach an age when they can do it themselves. Knowing when, why and how to clean your child’s teeth can help you take care of your child’s oral hygiene. We’ve posted the article below to give some guidance on this issue. It’s also important to work with your dentist in Owensboro, KY to find out what you can be doing to help your child.

When and How to Clean Your Child’s Teeth

It’s common for parents to clean their child’s teeth until they’ve reached the age of about 7 or 8. Children do not have the manual dexterity to properly clean their own teeth, so they need help from their parents to ensure that their mouth is cleaned properly.

To clean your child’s teeth, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Children who are too young to understand that you should not swallow your toothpaste should not have fluoridated toothpaste. Check with your child’s dentist to get a toothpaste recommendation.

Brush your child’s teeth for two minutes. Your dentist can show you some tricks for getting their teeth brushed properly. You can use a timer to time their tooth brushing, or you can sing a song for two minutes.

How to Ensure Your Child Has Good Dental Hygiene

Take your child for regular dental exams in Owensboro, KY to ensure that your child has good dental hygiene. Your dentist can tell you how often your child should be coming in for exams and cleaning. Children are prone to getting cavities, so don’t let this appointment slide! Call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to make an appointment today.

Where’s My Bad Breath Coming From?

Do you suffer from bad breath? Do you have this problem even though you brush your teeth regularly? Many things can cause bad breath, so brushing regularly may not be enough to make your breath smell better.

If you have a problem with bad breath, one of the things you can do is work with your dentist in Owensboro, KY. By seeing the dentist regularly, you can avoid the problems that cause bad breath.

It’s also important to know the causes of bad breath. Knowing the potential cause may help you find a solution. Here’s what to know.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath typically comes from bacteria in the mouth, but can also come from the food you eat. Here’s a short list of things that can lead to bad breath:

  • Smoking
  • Eating certain foods like onions and garlic
  • Poor dental hygiene and dental hygiene problems like gingivitis
  • An infection in the mouth

Dry mouth also contributes to bad breath, because saliva helps keep the mouth clean. If you have dry mouth – maybe because you smoke or you take medications that dry out your mouth – then you may suffer from bad breath.

What You Can Do

If you have bad breath that never seems to get better, schedule a dental exam in Owensboro, KY. Most likely, your dentist can tell you the cause of your bad breath right away.

Other things you can do to keep your breath smelling beautiful include:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily
  • Floss regularly
  • See the dentist every six months
  • Brush your tongue as well as your teeth
  • Stop smoking
  • Rinse your mouth after eating
  • Drink lots of water

Are you suffering from bad breath? Contact Travis Wilson DMD to make an appointment!