“Sedation Dentistry Is Hard on Your Brain” and Other Myths

Some studies indicate that as many as one out of three patients deals with some level of anxiety about going to the dentist. Thankfully, sedation dentistry in Owensboro can make these treatments more comfortable for patients who may not otherwise get the care they need. While sedation dentistry has become a normal part of modern-day dental care, this level of treatment is not immune to some pretty unfair myths.

Myth: Sedation dentistry is hard on your brain.

Sedation dentistry does not have long-term effects on your brain, your memory, or any of your neural processes. This myth stems from the fact that IV sedation is associated with losing memory of what took place, but there is no merit to the idea that the treatment is detrimental to your brain function.

Myth: You can still feel everything while sedated.

When you are sedated via IV, you won’t feel anything at all. However, if you are sedated with oral medications, you do retain your sensitivity. Therefore, if you opt for oral sedation with prescription medication before treatment, the dentist still follows the same protocols. They will use a local anesthetic to the area where work is being done so you don’t feel anything.

Myth: You stay groggy for days after sedation.

After being sedated, whether with IV sedation or oral medication, you may feel groggy for a few hours after treatment. However, most people are back to their fully alert state within a few hours. We do recommend that you arrange for someone to drive you back home from your appointment for this reason.

Find Out About Sedation Dentistry in Owensboro

If you’ve put off dental treatments you know you need because you are anxious about the procedure, sedation dentistry in Owensboro can be a saving grace. Reach out to us at Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to schedule your appointment for treatment with sedation today.

Boy at the dentist consultation. Checking and dental treatment in a clinic.

Think You Have a Cracked Tooth? Signs, Symptoms and What to Do

A cracked tooth is no fun! For some people, a cracked tooth can be painful. For other people, a cracked tooth can lead to problems like tooth rot and even a root canal. If you suspect that you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to recognize the signs of a problem – and to do something about it! Here’s what you need to know.

Signs of a Cracked Tooth

You can crack a tooth when you bite down on something hard, but some people crack their teeth by biting down on soft, chewy things like bread. Some people develop cracks in their teeth because they grind their teeth at night.

If you have a cracked tooth, you may not notice any signs at all. However, if you do have a cracked tooth, you may notice some signs such as:

  • Swelling around the gum.
  • Excessive sensitivity to hot and cold.
  • Occasional pain that seems to have no origin.
  • Pain when biting and chewing.

What to Do If You Have a Cracked Tooth

If you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to see a dentist for a checkup. You don’t have to live with pain in your teeth – and you shouldn’t! If you don’t see the dentist about a cracked tooth, you could find yourself struggling with tooth decay or an infection that could lead to a root canal!

If you suspect that you’ve got a cracked tooth, make an appointment with your dentist in Owensboro KY today. Your dentist can examine your teeth, find the source of your problem, and make recommendations for repair.

A Guide to Preventing and Handling Common Dental Emergencies

You take care of your family’s teeth by making sure that everyone brushes, flosses and goes to those important checkups. However, you’re not quite confident that you know what to do if someone experiences a dental emergency. After all, the thought of a knocked out tooth is enough to make your heart start racing.

Fortunately, most major dental problems are preventable with regular exams and cleanings. Yet surprises can happen, and all it takes is one bad fall or a ball hitting your child’s mouth to send them running to you with serious pain. Prepare for emergencies beforehand using these best practices for family dental care.

Focus On Preventing Oral Injuries

There are many ways to prevent having a dental emergency in the first place. For instance, having small cavities restored early prevents them from growing into larger ones that generate sensitivity. It is also important to avoid habits such as chewing on hard objects that can lead to chips and cracks in the enamel.

Kids are especially vulnerable to dental injuries because of their active lifestyle. Remind your kids to wear a mouth guard during their sports activities, and supervise activities such as jumping on a trampoline and riding a bike when falls are more common.

Consider the Level of Pain

The pain a person experiences from a tooth or gum injury can vary from one person to another. For some people, a minor cavity can feel intensely painful, while another person may not notice it at all. As a general rule, a dentist should see a person with any pain that does not respond to over-the-counter treatments as soon as possible.

For the most part, dental pain can wait until the next available appointment time, but intense, throbbing pain that interferes with the ability to carry on normally qualifies as an emergency. This is especially true if signs of infection are present such as redness, swelling or a pus-filled bubble anywhere in the mouth.

Know How to Handle Soft Tissue Injuries

At some point, everyone has received a minor injury to their cheeks or gums from a sharp chip or popcorn kernel. However, major cuts or lacerations are a dental emergency. To assess the damage, rinse the mouth out with warm water. If the cut is deep or won’t stop bleeding, contact your emergency dentist for an appointment.

Evaluate a Chipped Tooth

Trauma to the mouth sometimes results in a chipped tooth, and these can range from barely noticeable to an entire corner of your front tooth. For the most part, a chipped tooth that does not cause too much emotional or physical distress can wait a day or two until you can get in for a regular appointment.

Your dentist may prefer for you to come in sooner if the chip is extremely large or you are worried that it might have come close to the pulp. A chipped tooth that is causing pain may be a sign that it is deeper than you think, and your dentist should see this as soon as possible.

Preserve a Knocked Out Tooth

Contrary to what you might have heard, baby teeth that get knocked out should still be considered an emergency. This is because pieces of the tooth may still remain in the gums, or the impact may have damaged the adult tooth hiding beneath the baby tooth.

When an adult tooth has been knocked out, prompt dental care can sometimes preserve the tooth. Try to find the tooth, and place it in a glass of milk or warm water until you can reach the dentist. If you can hold it in the original socket in your mouth, do so.

Knowing how to handle a dental emergency gives you the best chance for saving your or your loved one’s smile. When dental pain or an injury strikes, contact the dental clinic of Travis Wilson D.M.D today so that you don’t have a delay in your care.

Dental Emergency — Boy at the Clinic in Owensboro, KY