dentist and patient

Having a Dental Emergency? What to Know

Dental emergencies can be scary, but they’re far less scary when you’re working with a capable dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. At Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, we offer a range of emergency dental services. We’re your source for emergency dental care when something goes wrong. Here’s what to know about emergency dental services.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental problem that needs to be addressed by a dentist immediately. There are many problems that require immediate dental treatment when they occur. Some examples of common dental emergencies include:

  • Dental infection. A dental infection is an infection that occurs inside the tooth. A dental infection can be treated with root canal services in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. If the infection isn’t treated as soon as possible, it may result in an extraction instead.
  • Lost permanent tooth. A lost permanent tooth can be a scary problem to have, but if you see the dentist fast enough, they may be able to reattach your tooth.

Not sure if you’re having a dental emergency? Watch for symptoms like severe pain, or a tooth becoming chipped or cracked. If something like this happens, you may need immediate dental care.

What Should You Do If You’re Having a Dental Emergency?

If you’re having a dental emergency, contact your dentist as quickly as possible to get next steps. Your dentist can tell you what to do to treat your problem and help you save your tooth.

Having a Dental Emergency? Call Today

At Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, we’re here to help during a dental emergency. Call today to get help when a dental emergency happens.


I Have a Toothache. Can I Treat It At Home?

If you have a toothache, it’s important to see the dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. However, while you’re waiting for your appointment to see dentist, there may be some way to get relief for pain at home. Below are a few suggestions that can help with a toothache.

Home Relief for Toothaches

Ice pack. Put an ice pack or a bag of frozen veggies on the outside of your mouth near where you can feel the toothache. Hold the ice there for 20 minutes. Repeat as needed.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Rinse the inside of your mouth, then spit it out. This mixture can help with pain, inflammation and can also help heal bleeding gums. Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide.

Saltwater rinse. Salt water is similar to hydrogen peroxide in that it can reduce inflammation, heal wounds and provide pain relief. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Swish the water in your mouth, then spit it out.

Why You Should Call a Dentist

While you may be able to alleviate some of the pain of a toothache through home remedies, a toothache can be a serious problem. A toothache can occur because of a cavity or even an infection in your tooth. Ignoring the problem could lead the infection to spread and may even result in the loss of the permanent tooth.

The best way to avoid this problem is by getting dental preventative care in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. If you have a toothache, make an emergency appointment with your dentist to get help and find out if further action is needed. Your dentist may need to conduct a root canal. Call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today.


Portrait of unhappy mature man suffering from toothache

Is a Toothache a Dental Emergency?

Some toothaches are passing problems, and some toothaches are legitimate issues. It’s important to know the difference, and if you’re having a dental emergency, it’s important to get help from a dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. If you have a toothache, here’s what you should know about getting help from a dentist.

What’s a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is a dental problem that should be addressed by your dentist as soon as possible. Some dental emergencies cause great pain, while others can lead to loss of a permanent tooth. If you’re having a dental emergency, it’s important to get your problem treated by a dentist as soon as possible.

When Is a Toothache a Dental Emergency?

Some toothaches go away on their own. These toothaches are usually caused by a temporary problem, like a piece of food wedged under the gums. Generally speaking, if the pain is very severe and doesn’t go away within a day, the toothache is most likely a dental emergency.

Emergency toothaches are generally caused by an infection in the tooth. A tooth infection must be treated by a root canal procedure in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. A root canal is a procedure that cleans out the infection from the affected tooth.

Once the infected material in the tooth is scooped out, the tooth is filled and sealed, and then protected with a dental crown. If you don’t get a root canal when you need one, the infection may spread. It’s very important to see the dentist when you have this kind of problem.

Have a Toothache? Call the Dentist

If you have a toothache, contact your dentist to find out whether you need a root canal or some other intervention from a dental professional. Call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today to make an appointment.


3 Most Common Dental Emergencies and What to Do about Them

Do you know what classifies as a dental emergency and what you would do if you or one of your family members encountered one? Your dentist in Owensboro, KY will be able to help you develop an emergency dental plan that best suits your needs. But for now, let’s talk about the three most common dental emergencies and how to handle them until you can get to your dentist.

Here are the three most common dental emergencies and what you should do immediately if one occurs.

1. Unbearable Toothache

If you have an unbearable toothache, that means there is something wrong and it should be considered a dental emergency. A throbbing tooth is usually due to tooth decay or some other type of dental infection. You can start by rinsing your mouth out with warm salt water. Use a half teaspoon of salt mixed with eight ounces of warm water. Then rinse your mouth and spit it out. Don’t swallow it. Saltwater can help with the pain, act as a disinfectant, and reduce inflammation.

2. Tooth Trauma

If you have a knocked-out tooth or other tooth trauma, you need to get to the dentist immediately. Sometimes a tooth can be reattached to its tooth socket, but only if you receive emergency care within the first two hours after your tooth was knocked out. As you are getting to the dentist, you can gently rinse the tooth in saline or salty water and store it in a small container.

3. Lost Crowns or Fillings

When losing fillings or dental crowns in Owensboro, KY, there isn’t really anything you can do except schedule a dental appointment immediately. Your dentist will replace your filling or provide you with a temporary crown until your new permanent replacement is available.

What’s Next?

Are you in need of a dentist in Owensboro, KY? If so, please Contact Travis Wilson D.M.D today. We are currently accepting new patients and can provide you with a one-stop-shop dental experience.

I Think I Cracked a Tooth – What Now?

Have you cracked a tooth? Then you need to see your dentist in Owensboro, KY! A cracked tooth can be managed, but you’ll need to see the dentist as soon as possible. Knowing the signs of a cracked tooth and what your dentist can do if you have a cracked tooth can help you. Here’s what you need to know.

Signs of a Cracked Tooth

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when you have a cracked tooth, because you may not be able to see the crack. Some common symptoms for people who have cracked teeth include:

  • Infrequent pain in the tooth
  • Pain that appears suddenly while chewing, but goes away quickly
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures

What Your Dentist Can Do

If you have a cracked tooth, there are many procedures your dentist may use to treat your tooth. The first thing that your dental professional will do is diagnose the problem. Once this is done, your dental professional may use any one of the following methods to treat your tooth:

  • Crown installation – a dental crown is a cap placed over the tooth to protect the fragile tooth enamel beneath.
  • Veneer installation – a dental veneer is a cover placed over the front of the tooth.
  • Root canal – if the tooth has become infected, your dentist may clean out the infection with a root canal, and then will cover the tooth with a crown.

Contact Your Dental Professional As Soon As Possible

A cracked tooth can be a serious problem, and if it isn’t treated right away, it’s likely to get worse. If you have a cracked tooth and believe you may need dental crowns in Owensboro, KY, call your dentist at Dr. Travis Family Dentistry today.

4 Reasons to See the Dentist as Soon As Possible

Do you know when it’s time to see the dentist in Owensboro KY? Your dentist can help you with pain, swelling, loss of a permanent tooth – or even something as minor as bad breath. Knowing when it’s appropriate to see the dentist can help you take care of your teeth. Below, we’ve recorded four scenarios when you should see the dentist.

1. Lost or Loose Permanent Tooth

No one should lose a permanent tooth. If you lose a permanent tooth, you’re having a dental emergency – call your dentist to let them know you’re on your way. If you’ve noticed that your permanent tooth is loose, make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible.

2. Tooth Pain

Tooth pain could be a sign of several problems – from cavities to an infection. If you’re having tooth pain, don’t wait to see your dentist. If you have an infection, your tooth could be at risk. An infected tooth can even put other aspects of your health at risk. Call your dentist as soon as possible.

3. Swelling

Swelling in the mouth, cheek or gums could be a sign of an infection – especially if the swelling is accompanied by pain. Don’t wait to call the dentist – make the call.

4. Bad Breath

Bad breath isn’t a dental emergency, but it is a problem! It may be that you need to change your oral hygiene routine – or you may need to get a deep cleaning of your teeth. To find out more about getting rid of bad breath, all your dentist at Travis Wilson DMD to make an appointment for preventative care in Owensboro KY.

My Mercury Filling Fell Out: What Now?

Mercury was used almost exclusively for decades in tooth fillings. Dental professionals now know how toxic mercury is and it is rarely—if ever—used in fillings. There are so many more effective and safer alternatives that it doesn’t make sense to use mercury. If you have an undamaged tooth filling with mercury, most experts agree that you shouldn’t do anything. It’s the mercury vapors that are dangerous, and those vapors are only released when the mercury is cracked or disturbed, such as when the mercury filling is removed. But what if your mercury filling falls out?

Contact Your Dentist Right Away

If your mercury filling has come out, contact your Owensboro, KY dentist right away. No matter what condition the filling is in, or the tooth, you’ll need immediate treatment.

Store the Filling

If you know where the mercury filling is, store it securely in a sealed plastic bag. Don’t finger it or lay it on any surface in your home. You don’t want to accidentally spread any toxicity from the mercury.

Care For Your Tooth

If your tooth is painful or sensitive after the loss of the filling, use your judgment for self-care until you can get into your Beaver Dam, KY dentist for tooth restoration. Consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever in combination with an over-the-counter numbing agent. These types of numbing agents are very effective and can keep you comfortable until you’re able to see the dentist.

Avoid Chewing on the Tooth

In the meantime, avoid chewing on the tooth with the lost filling. You have no way of knowing how much mercury is still in the tooth cavity, whether vapors are being released or how food debris may further damage the tooth.

Above all, don’t panic. Once you visit your Beaver Dam, KY dentist, they will be able to assess the situation and offer a safe treatment.

Emergency Dental Supplies to Keep on Hand

You can always rely on your Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY dentist to take care of you in emergency situations. But between the time you experience the emergency and the time it takes to get to the dentist, there are some things you can do it help yourself, too. Following are the essential emergency dental supplies you should always keep on hand.

Numbing Ointment

Tooth pain can be absolutely excruciating. For nearly instant relief, use a numbing ointment on the affected area. Many people use a cotton swab to apply it. Within a few seconds, it should start working and give you relief until you can get to the dentist.

Over-the-counter Pain Medication

It’s a good idea to keep acetaminophen and ibuprofen in the house to assist with the pain from a dental emergency. Follow label instructions and never take more than the recommended dose.


In cases of bleeding—and a knocked-out tooth can result in a lot of blood loss—you’ll want to have sterile gauze on hand. You can fold the gauze over on itself to pack the area where the tooth came out. Apply dental pressure to control bleeding. Keep replacing with clean gauze as it gets soiled.

Dental Mirror

A dental mirror is a small mirror on an angled metal stick. This will allow you to see way back inside your mouth, much like a dentist can. A dental mirror may help you to assess what the problem is with a molar or an area of sensitive gum tissue so that you can explain it over the phone to your dentist.

When you have a dental emergency, contact your dentist right away. If you end up needing a tooth extraction in Beaver Dam, KY or something else, your dentist will be able to treat you accordingly.

Conversation between two dentist in dentist's clinic

What is a Tooth Pocket and Why is it Important?

If your dentist discovers a tooth pocket inside your mouth, it won’t bring a smile to your face. Instead, a tooth pocket indicates gum disease, often in an advanced stage. As to why this is so important, here’s what you need to know.

A Living Space for Bacteria

When a tooth pocket forms, it becomes the perfect spot for bacteria to grow and thrive. Since bone and gum tissue is supposed to fit very snugly around your tooth, the formation of a tooth pocket means supporting bone and tissue have been destroyed. Unfortunately, as these pockets deepen, bacteria is then able to advance under the gum tissue. If left untreated, the result could be additional bone loss and the need to extract the tooth.

Checking the Depth

To determine how much your gum disease has progressed, your dentist in Owensboro, KY will check the depth of your tooth pocket. In doing so, this will let your dentist know if the problem can be corrected by combining a daily at-home oral care regimen with professional care done at their office, or if your condition has progressed to the point where a periodontal pocket reduction procedure will be necessary. The deeper the pocket, the more likely you will need professional intervention in an effort to save your tooth from being extracted.

Keeping Your Natural Teeth

Since good oral hygiene is critical to your overall health, you should do all you can to keep your natural teeth intact. By incorporating a daily oral care routine that involves brushing at least twice per day and flossing once per day while also visiting your dentist for regular checkups, tooth pockets may be something you never encounter.

If you notice symptoms that may be related to gum disease, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Owensboro, Kentucky as soon as possible.

Woman holds fingers on her cheek showing toothache

The Dangers of DIY Tooth Extraction

You notice one of your teeth is severely loose—should you pull it yourself? No matter how loose a permanent tooth may be, you are much better off to trust tooth extraction in Owensboro to a qualified dentist. Here is a look at some of the things that can go wrong with a DIY tooth extraction.

Severe Pain

Tooth extraction can be painful. You are essentially ripping the tooth away from the soft connective tissue that supports it. Even a tooth that is really loose can have bits of connective tissue still in place. This is why dentists inject a local anesthetic to numb the nerves in the area and keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.

Nerve Damage

The mouth, gums, and jaws are filled with important nerves. Trigeminal nerves that lie near the teeth can actually be connected to multiple other points, such as the lips, gums, and chin. Damage to these nerves during extraction can bring about severe side effects, such as changes in speech or constant electrical pulse sensations. If you don’t know where these nerves are located, you could easily damage them during a DIY attempt to pull a permanent tooth.

Damage to Surrounding Teeth

When your tooth is pulled by a dentist, they do x-rays and thorough examinations to get familiar with the shape of your jaws and the positions of the surrounding teeth. They do this to make sure they can dislodge the existing tooth safely without causing damage to any of the surrounding teeth. When you attempt to pull a tooth on your own, you could easily cause permanent damage to the teeth that surround the area.

Work with an Owensboro Dentist to Have a Tooth Pulled

While teeth extractions are a highly routine dental procedure, this is a procedure that should be trusted to an Owensboro dentist. If you have a tooth that you suspect should be pulled, please reach out to us at the office of Dr. Travis Wilson DMD to schedule an appointment.