Conversation between two dentist in dentist's clinic

What is a Tooth Pocket and Why is it Important?

If your dentist discovers a tooth pocket inside your mouth, it won’t bring a smile to your face. Instead, a tooth pocket indicates gum disease, often in an advanced stage. As to why this is so important, here’s what you need to know.

A Living Space for Bacteria

When a tooth pocket forms, it becomes the perfect spot for bacteria to grow and thrive. Since bone and gum tissue is supposed to fit very snugly around your tooth, the formation of a tooth pocket means supporting bone and tissue have been destroyed. Unfortunately, as these pockets deepen, bacteria is then able to advance under the gum tissue. If left untreated, the result could be additional bone loss and the need to extract the tooth.

Checking the Depth

To determine how much your gum disease has progressed, your dentist in Owensboro, KY will check the depth of your tooth pocket. In doing so, this will let your dentist know if the problem can be corrected by combining a daily at-home oral care regimen with professional care done at their office, or if your condition has progressed to the point where a periodontal pocket reduction procedure will be necessary. The deeper the pocket, the more likely you will need professional intervention in an effort to save your tooth from being extracted.

Keeping Your Natural Teeth

Since good oral hygiene is critical to your overall health, you should do all you can to keep your natural teeth intact. By incorporating a daily oral care routine that involves brushing at least twice per day and flossing once per day while also visiting your dentist for regular checkups, tooth pockets may be something you never encounter.

If you notice symptoms that may be related to gum disease, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Owensboro, Kentucky as soon as possible.

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