5 Reasons to Take Your Child to the Dentist By the Time They’re One Year Old

Bringing your child to the dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro KY can benefit you and your child in many ways. In this article, we’ll go over reasons to bring your child to the dentist either six months after their first tooth erupts, or by the time they’re one – which ever comes first.

1. You can catch problems early.

Even if your child has only a handful of teeth, your child’s dentist can look inside and catch problems at an early stage. Babies can get cavities too! If your child has dental problems like this, the dentist can help.

2. Your child can get used to the dentist.

Some kids are anxious around strangers and need time to adjust. Bringing your child to the dentist from a very young age can help you child adjust to the idea that going to the dentist is normal. This can help your child feel calmer around the dentist.

3. You’ll get answers to your questions.

You probably have questions about your baby’s dental health! When you bring your child to the dentist, you can get answers to your questions.

4. The dentist will show you how to care for your child’s teeth.

Until they’re much older, you’ll be responsible for brushing your child’s teeth at night. The dentist can show you how.

5. The experts recommend it.

Did you know that many experts recommend your child should visit the dentist by the time they’re one year old? It’s true. If you haven’t brought your baby to the dentist yet, contact Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to make a pediatric dentist exam in Beaver Dam and Owensboro KY.

Tips to Help Your Child with Fear of the Dentist

If your child feels afraid to visit the dentist, they aren’t alone. Many kids feel this fear, and there are several things you can do to help. Choosing the right dentist in Beaver Dam is part of the solution, you can do several things at home to help lessen the worry so your child’s appointment can be a positive experience.

Use Social Stories and Role Playing

Children often fear what they don’t understand, and a child may not know what to expect at the dentist. Scour your library for picture books and social stories that show what the experience is like. You can also find episodes of many popular children’s shows that explore going to the dentist. Consider practicing at home by having your child sit in a recliner and open their mouth with a light shining down on them. You can also let your child play dentist with a stuffed animal.

Visit Ahead of Time

Is someone else going to the dentist in your family? Let your fearful child come along and watch or at least see the office ahead of time. Familiarity can help make the process less frightening.

Schedule Wisely

Schedule the appointment with the dentist at a time that’s good for your child. For most kids, that’s early to late morning, after breakfast but before afternoon nap time. You know your child best, but be proactive about the scheduling.

Stay Positive

Reward the behaviors you want. If your child can go to the dentist, sit in the chair, and have their teeth counted but not actually make it through the cleaning, then praise that. Take baby steps with positive reinforcement until they are able to sit through the entire exam.

Good oral healthcare starts young. Don’t let fear keep your child from having clean teeth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today to start the path toward healthy teeth.

teething baby

4 Reasons to Wean Your Child Off Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is so common with babies and young children that some babies actually suck their thumbs in utero! It’s believed to be a self-soothing mechanism that most children naturally outgrow. But some children continue to suck their thumbs well into their toddler years and beyond. This can be problematic as far as dental health goes, and it may be to your child’s benefit to wean them off this habit gently. Here are some reasons to do so, according to yourdentist in Owensboro, KY.

1. Avoid Speech Problems

When a child has their thumb in their mouth all the time, they often talk “around” the thumb. This can lead to misuse of the tongue in speech, such as a lisp. Over time, after the thumb-sucking ceases, the speech problem may correct itself. But it may have caused unnecessary development issues while it was happening.

2. Prevent Dental Problems

Prolonged thumb sucking can cause misalignment of the teeth, leading to an open bite, where the upper and lower teeth don’t meet properly. This can affect your child’s ability to chew and speak clearly and could lead to the need for braces later on in life.

3. Avoid Health Problems

Children’s hands and fingers are notoriously germy. You certainly wouldn’t want your child to introduce germs into their mouth on purpose. But that’s exactly what happens when your child sucks their thumb after touching this and that throughout the day.

4. Improve Social Interaction

It’s difficult for your child to maximize opportunities to engage socially with other children when they are always sucking on their thumb. Breaking this habit gently could lead to the development of a healthier social life for years to come.

Contact yourOwensboro, KY dentist today for help maintaining your child’s oral health. We look forward to seeing you!

Sad little girl with toothbrush

Is My Child Brushing Their Teeth Well Enough?

Children need to brush their teeth twice daily, just like adults. When they’re very young, kids get their teeth brushed by their parents. As they get older, kids need to start brushing their teeth independently. While kids are still learning how to brush their teeth, they need to be monitored to ensure they’re doing it right. Your child’s dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, can help.

Watch Their Technique

Your child should brush every section of their mouth, including the outside, inside, and the flat parts of the molars. Your child should also brush their tongue. One way to find out if they’re able to do this on their own is to monitor your child while they brush. Do this several times to ensure they have their technique perfected before allowing them to brush their teeth without supervision.

Remind Them to Brush, Then Follow Up

Most kids need regular reminders when it’s time to brush their teeth. Remind them to brush every night and every morning, then follow up when they’re done to ensure that it happens.

Monitor the Time

Kids should brush their teeth for two minutes, just like adults. Give your child a sand timer to help them tell when they’re brushing their teeth for long enough.


Check With the Dentist

Your child’s dentist will be able to tell if your child’s teeth aren’t getting sufficiently cleaned at night. Check with the dentist after their teeth cleaning in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, to find out whether your child’s teeth are healthy.

If your child has a lot of plaque buildup on their tooth enamel, this is a sign they need to change their brushing technique. The dentist can show your child how to brush more effectively.

Does your child need an appointment at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry? Call today to make an appointment.

3 Things to Know When Making Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

Your child’s first dental appointment is important because it sets the stage for your child to have a good relationship with their oral health and hygiene. Making the appointment at the right time and preparing for the appointment can help you make the most of this experience.

When you take your child to the dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, you’ll probably be surprised by how productive it is to bring a very small child to the dentist for the first time.

1. When to Make Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

Bring your child to the dentist for the first time sometime between their first tooth eruption and their first birthday. If they haven’t grown any teeth by turning one, bring them anyway. Your child’s dentist needs to examine your child’s mouth to see if anything of concern is happening.

2. What to Expect During the Appointment

During a typical dental appointment with a toddler, the dentist will examine the tissues, teeth, and bite in your child’s mouth. Your baby may stay on your lap throughout the entire visit, depending on what needs to be done. If needed, the dentist may clean and polish your child’s teeth.

The dentist may also advise you about cleaning and flossing your child’s teeth. If you have any questions about how to care for your teeth, the dentist will answer them. Look at this appointment as an opportunity to learn and help your child adjust to dental visits.

3. Why Early Dental Care Is Important

Early dental care is important because it helps set your child up for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. If it’s time for your child’s first dental examination in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today.

Is My Little One Brushing Their Teeth Well Enough?

Many children have a hard time brushing their teeth properly. Working with the dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY, can help because your dentist can give you and your child advice on how to maintain your child’s oral health. In addition, these tips can help you catch an oral hygiene problem before it becomes bad. Here’s what you need to know.

Signs Your Child Isn’t Brushing Their Teeth Well

If your child isn’t brushing their teeth well, you may notice one or more of the following problems:

  • Your child has cavities or tartar buildup on their teeth when they visit the dentist
  • Your child has bad breath that doesn’t go away when they brush their teeth
  • Your child has discolorations or black spots on their teeth
  • Your child doesn’t brush their teeth for two minutes each time
  • Your child doesn’t consistently brush their teeth twice daily

What To Do If Your Child Needs Toothbrushing Help

Many parents choose to brush their child’s teeth for them until they turn about 7 or 8 years old. Until they are 7 or 8, many children lack the coordination to brush their teeth well anyway.

If your child is old enough to brush their teeth but still isn’t doing a great job, watch them and give them tips while they’re brushing. Time your child with a timer or have them listen to a song that’s 2 minutes long while they brush to ensure that they’re brushing for the recommended length of time.

When To Bring Your Child to the Dentist

Unless the dentist recommends otherwise, bring your child to the dentist every six months for a routine cleaning, just like you do for yourself. Make an appointment for preventative care in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY. Call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today to schedule your child’s next dental visit.

Sad little girl with toothbrush

My Kindergartner Hates Tooth Brushing Time. What Can I Do?

Not all kids love to have their teeth brushed, even though it’s an important part of their oral hygiene routine. If your child resists toothbrushing time, there are many things you can do to make toothbrushing time more fun and enjoyable. The following suggestions can help. For more ideas, talk to your child’s dentist in Owensboro & Beaver Dam KY.

Sing While Brushing Their Teeth

It’s important to brush your child’s teeth for two minutes at a time. If you sing a song that’s two minutes long while brushing your child’s teeth, then you can entertain your child while simultaneously timing their tooth brushing session. Pick a song your child enjoys. Switch songs occasionally to keep tooth brushing time more enjoyable.

Let Them Watch a Video

Allow your child to watch a video that’s two minutes long while you brush their teeth. If you can, choose a video that’s specifically designed to be two minutes long. If your child gets limited screen time, then this makes toothbrushing time seem extra special.

Give Your Child Some Control

Allow your child to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste to help them get excited for brushing their teeth. If your child likes to be able to control their environment and what’s happening with their body, also give your child the option to brush their own teeth after you finish brushing.

Tell Them When They’re Doing a Good Job

Some kids just need some positive reinforcement. Tell your child when they’re doing a good job, so they’ll know to keep it up.

Brush Teeth at the Same Time As Parents, Siblings

Make toothbrushing a group activity. Invite other members of the household to participate, so your child can feel like they’re a part of something important.

Want more ideas? Talk to your child’s dentist the next time you bring them in for preventative care in Owensboro & Beaver Dam KY.

My Child Just Chipped Their Tooth! What Should I Do?

Kids sure can be rowdy! Sometimes rowdy games and high impact sports can cause dental injuries. A chipped tooth can be a problem, and as a parent, you’re right to be concerned. If your child has recently experienced a dental injury, it’s important to talk to your child’s dentist in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY. Here’s what you should know about a chipped tooth.

The Dangers of a Chipped Tooth

Sometimes a chipped tooth is so minor that it does very little damage and causes no significant pain or symptoms. However, severe chips and cracks can lead bacteria to compromise the pulp inside the tooth. When this happens, the result could be an infection and dental decay.

What to Do If Your Child Chipped Their Tooth

It’s impossible for you to know on your own if your child’s chipped tooth is minor, or if it needs help from a dentist. The only way to find out whether your child’s tooth needs treatment is to take your child to their dental professional. Some potential treatments for a chipped tooth include:

  • Bonding. This resin is attached to the tooth to help reshape and fill in any cracks or missing pieces.
  • Crown. A crown is a cap that’s cemented to your tooth. Crowns protect teeth from further damage and also cover up cosmetic problems.
  • Reattachment. If you still have the chip, your child’s dentist may be able to cement the chip back into place. If this is to be done, you’ll need to get your child (and the chip) to the dentist immediately. Put the chip in milk for the drive to the dentist, and call the dentist to let them know that you’re coming.

Does your child need a dental examination in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY? Call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today to make an appointment.




Should I Be Brushing My Baby’s Teeth?

Your baby’s first teeth are so cute! You love how they look, especially how small and white they are. You think your baby’s teeth are just perfect. Now, how to take care of them? Whether babies need their teeth brushed is a common question that patients ask the dentist in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY. If you have questions about how to take care of your baby’s teeth, we have answers. Here’s what you should know about brushing baby teeth.

When to Start Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

You should start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first tooth erupts from the gums. In fact, some experts recommend brushing your baby’s gums even before the first teeth erupt. Doing this helps your baby get used to the experience of brushing, and also helps reduce bacteria in the mouth.

How to Brush Your Baby’s Teeth

Brushing your baby’s teeth (or tooth) is easy. You’ll need a baby toothbrush and baby toothpaste. Baby toothbrushes are very small and should have no more than three rows of bristles. Some of these toothbrushes even fit on your finger, to make manipulating the brush easier.

Place a small smear of toothpaste on the brush, then wet it. Run the brush around your baby’s mouth, over the gums and teeth. Replace the brush every two to three months. Bacteria can build up on the brush, so it’s important to get rid of the brush from time to time.

Have questions? Your baby’s dentist can provide answers during your child’s first dental visit. Bring your baby to see the dentist by the time they turn one year old.

In addition to brushing your baby’s teeth, you should also be taking them to the dentist for dental exam services in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY. Make an appointment with your child’s dentist today at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry.




Signs Your Child Has a Cavity

A cavity is a hole in the tooth enamel caused by a combination of bacteria and sugar in the mouth. Cavities can be painful, and if they’re not addressed as soon as possible, they can become very serious. If you think your child has a cavity, it’s important to make an appointment with the dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY.

The first step is to recognize the problem. Below are signs that your child may have a cavity.

Signs Your Child Has a Cavity

If your child has a cavity, they may complain about pain or sensitivity in their teeth. Their teeth may become sensitive to heat, cold or sweet foods. In addition, you may notice changes in the appearance of their teeth.

Your child’s teeth may develop whiter than normal spots – these are signs that the tooth enamel is breaking down. When a cavity forms, you may be able to see a hole in your child’s tooth enamel. The cavity may also look like a brown spot or a black spot.

One more potential sign of a cavity: bad breath. Your child’s breath should smell better when they brush their teeth. If their teeth smell bad even after brushing, this could be a sign of excessive bacteria in the mouth.

Think Your Child Needs a Dentist? Make an Appointment

Don’t wait to make a dental appointment for your child. If your child is experiencing tooth sensitivity or pain, see the dentist as soon as possible. Your child’s dentist can prevent the problem from getting worse.

To avoid problems like this in the future, bring you child in for dental cleanings in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY every six months. Call Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today to make an appointment.