3 New Year’s Resolutions to Consider That Are All About Your Smile

Another year is nearly gone, which means it is once again time to start thinking about what you want to do differently for the year to come. As you consider all the New Year’s resolutions that you hope to keep, don’t forget your oral health. Your smile is an important part of who you are, which is why restorative dentistry in Beaver Dam, KY is so popular. Take a look at a few resolutions you may want to consider as this year comes to a close.

Resolve to be more attentive to preventative dental health.

Preventative dental care is all about doing everything you can to prevent dental health issues from occurring. Whether it is your at-home oral hygiene habits or your annual visit to the dentist for checkups and cleaning, these steps can make a world of difference to your oral health.

Resolve to tend to small problems you’ve been neglecting with your teeth.

Maybe you have a small cavity that you have avoided for a while. Perhaps you have bite alignment issues you have never addressed. As the new year begins, tending to these problems could be one of the best things you ever do for your oral health.

Resolve to find out how you can be more confident with your smile.

A confident smile can change everything about how you interact with the world around you. Whether you are not so confident about the appearance of your teeth because you have stains or you really want to make a big change, a good dentist can help the visions of a better smile come to life.

Could a Beaver Dam Dentist help you with your resolutions?

Every new year is a new chance to start the year off right, even when it comes to your oral health. If you have something about your oral health or smile that you would like to discuss with a Beaver Dam, KY dentist, reach out to us at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

Hollywood smile with porcelain crowns and veneers

Caring for Your New Porcelain Crown: Tips to Remember

When it comes to protecting a tooth from further damage or even making it more aesthetically fitting for the long term, dental crowns in Beaver Dam, KY are highly effective. Dental crowns can be made out of a few different materials, but porcelain is one of the more common. Take a look at a few care tips to keep in mind after you are fitted with a new porcelain crown.

Remain consistent with oral hygiene habits

While a porcelain crown is synthetic, the surrounding or supporting natural tooth still needs your everyday attention when you brush and floss. If you are not vigilant about oral hygiene, it can lead to issues with the natural tooth that put the new crown at risk.

Watch out for foods that could cause breakage

Porcelain is a dense and durable material, but it can be damaged just the same. Watch out for foods that could cause direct damage, such as hard candy, ice, or anything that is excessively crunchy. If at any time you spot an area of your new crown that appears damaged, be sure to reach out to a dentist as soon as possible before the problem grows more severe.

Keep your annual dental checkup appointments

During your annual visit to the dentist for a checkup, the dentist will be examining the crown to ensure it is still bonded in place, not showing signs of damage or wear, and properly supported. One of the biggest reasons for crown failure is lack of dental care, so be sure to continue to keep your appointments annually.

Talk to a Dentist About Dental Crowns in Beaver Dam, KY

When properly cared for, a well-placed dental crown can last for many years. If you need a dentist in Beaver Dam, KY that can help you get a dental crown, reach out to us at the office of Travis Wilson D.M.D. to schedule an appointment.

3 Preventive Dental Care Treatments to Consider

Have you ever wished that you could push a “rewind” button and get back your healthy natural teeth? If you still have natural teeth that you want to protect, or you have younger loved ones whose teeth you’d like to protect, you can! Today, there are several preventative dental care treatments in Owensboro, KY that can help natural teeth stay healthy for as long as possible.

1. Dental Sealant

Dental sealant is a simple and straightforward way to add an extra layer of protection over natural teeth. The FDA-approved dental sealant is applied with a brush on certain teeth, such as molars. It’s allowed to harden and then it lasts for several months. Dental sealant is most often used on kids, but adults with healthy natural teeth can also get dental sealant. It’s non-invasive, painless and very effective at stopping cavities before they start.

2. Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is a wash that is flushed over the teeth to make teeth more impervious to bacteria. The fluoride fortifies the tooth enamel and adds minerals so that the teeth are harder and stronger. Just one fluoride treatment is enough to protect natural teeth for a long time. Talk to your dentist in Owensboro, KY about fluoride treatment options.

3. Teeth Polishing

Teeth polishing is a little bit different than teeth whitening, although teeth polishing will make your teeth brighter and whiter, too. In this preventative treatment, the teeth surface is polished, which helps to get rid of biofilm and plaque that harbor bad bacteria. Teeth polishing is most effective when it’s done in tandem with teeth cleaning.

These simple preventative dental care treatments will help you to keep teeth healthy in between dentist visits. Remember, preventative treatments are not a substitute for regular dentist visits. Contact us today to book your next appointment.

dentist and patient

How to Overcome Dental Phobia

Most people know that it’s important to visit the dentist at least once every six months. But many people avoid the dentist as much as possible because of dental phobia. Even when problems arise, they may try to find alternative solutions. This is always a big mistake, since dental problems never resolve on their own without professional treatment. Don’t let dental phobia cause you to have oral health problems. Here’s how to get rid of fear of going to the dentist.

Go to the Dentist More Often

Yes, that’s right. The more you go to the dentist, the less fearful you’ll be of the experience. This is because you’ll become desensitized and more familiar with the dentist’s office. You’ll get comfortable with the signs and sounds, and you’ll find that old dental phobia starting to dissipate.

Ask Lots of Questions

A lot of dental phobia has to do with fear of the unknown. If you don’t know what your dentist is doing, it’s natural to feel afraid. But a good way to feel less afraid is to ask lots of questions. Ask what they’re got to do next, ask if it’s going to hurt, ask why your dentist is doing a certain treatment; your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY will be more than happy to answer as many questions as you have!

Bring a Friend

No one says you have to to go the dentist by yourself. If you feel fearful, why not bring a friend or family member with you? In fact, in some cases your dentist may even be okay with your friend going with you into the treatment room, so you can feel more comfortable.

Your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY wants you to feel comfortable during your visits. Contact us today to book your appointment.

Why Does My Tooth Hurt All of a Sudden?

Sudden tooth pain can be brought on by a number of reasons. Often, this is a sign that you need to see your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY. Your dentist will help to determine the cause of your sudden tooth pain and offer necessary treatment. Following are the most common reasons for sudden-onset tooth pain.

Excess Cold or Heat Exposure

Simply biting into something or drinking something that’s very hot or very cold can cause sudden tooth pain. Examples include ice cubes, ice cream, shaved ice treats, hot tea or coffee and other things. Almost everyone’s experienced this every now and then. But if this happens often for you, it’s best to talk to your dentist about the problem.

Receding Gums

If you have receding gums, you could also have an infected tooth. If you suddenly experience tooth pain, it’s possible that your infected tooth is getting even worse. Contact your dentist to have your teeth and gums examined for advancing gum disease.

Enamel Erosion

Your teeth have an outer layer of enamel that protects each tooth. For various reasons, enamel can wear away in spots. This often leaves the tooth overly sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, which usually result in sudden tooth pain. Your dentist may have some solutions for you. Make an appointment to find out what your options are.


Toothaches often come on slowly, over time. Other times they come on very suddenly, even waking you in the middle of the night. Toothaches indicate a serious problem with a tooth, and they rarely if ever go away on their own. Call your dentist’s office as soon as possible to get it taken care of.

Your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY can help with sudden tooth pain. Contact us today for relief from tooth pain and treatment.

Conversation between two dentist in dentist's clinic

What is a Tooth Pocket and Why is it Important?

If your dentist discovers a tooth pocket inside your mouth, it won’t bring a smile to your face. Instead, a tooth pocket indicates gum disease, often in an advanced stage. As to why this is so important, here’s what you need to know.

A Living Space for Bacteria

When a tooth pocket forms, it becomes the perfect spot for bacteria to grow and thrive. Since bone and gum tissue is supposed to fit very snugly around your tooth, the formation of a tooth pocket means supporting bone and tissue have been destroyed. Unfortunately, as these pockets deepen, bacteria is then able to advance under the gum tissue. If left untreated, the result could be additional bone loss and the need to extract the tooth.

Checking the Depth

To determine how much your gum disease has progressed, your dentist in Owensboro, KY will check the depth of your tooth pocket. In doing so, this will let your dentist know if the problem can be corrected by combining a daily at-home oral care regimen with professional care done at their office, or if your condition has progressed to the point where a periodontal pocket reduction procedure will be necessary. The deeper the pocket, the more likely you will need professional intervention in an effort to save your tooth from being extracted.

Keeping Your Natural Teeth

Since good oral hygiene is critical to your overall health, you should do all you can to keep your natural teeth intact. By incorporating a daily oral care routine that involves brushing at least twice per day and flossing once per day while also visiting your dentist for regular checkups, tooth pockets may be something you never encounter.

If you notice symptoms that may be related to gum disease, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Owensboro, Kentucky as soon as possible.

“Sedation Dentistry Is Hard on Your Brain” and Other Myths

Some studies indicate that as many as one out of three patients deals with some level of anxiety about going to the dentist. Thankfully, sedation dentistry in Owensboro can make these treatments more comfortable for patients who may not otherwise get the care they need. While sedation dentistry has become a normal part of modern-day dental care, this level of treatment is not immune to some pretty unfair myths.

Myth: Sedation dentistry is hard on your brain.

Sedation dentistry does not have long-term effects on your brain, your memory, or any of your neural processes. This myth stems from the fact that IV sedation is associated with losing memory of what took place, but there is no merit to the idea that the treatment is detrimental to your brain function.

Myth: You can still feel everything while sedated.

When you are sedated via IV, you won’t feel anything at all. However, if you are sedated with oral medications, you do retain your sensitivity. Therefore, if you opt for oral sedation with prescription medication before treatment, the dentist still follows the same protocols. They will use a local anesthetic to the area where work is being done so you don’t feel anything.

Myth: You stay groggy for days after sedation.

After being sedated, whether with IV sedation or oral medication, you may feel groggy for a few hours after treatment. However, most people are back to their fully alert state within a few hours. We do recommend that you arrange for someone to drive you back home from your appointment for this reason.

Find Out About Sedation Dentistry in Owensboro

If you’ve put off dental treatments you know you need because you are anxious about the procedure, sedation dentistry in Owensboro can be a saving grace. Reach out to us at Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to schedule your appointment for treatment with sedation today.

Why Are My Teeth Gray Around the Gumline?

You spot noteworthy gray areas right where your teeth meet your gums. If you have spotted grayness where your teeth meet your gums, you may need periodontal treatment in Beaver Dam, KY, or you could just have an issue with decay that also needs immediate attention. Let’s take a closer look at both issues and how to spot the difference.

Could the Problem Be Gum Disease?

Gum disease, medically known as periodontal disease, can bring about several different symptoms, one of which happens to be discoloration of the gums. Unfortunately, if the gums are turning black or gray, this can be a sign of necrotizing, or the gum tissue starting to deteriorate due to infection. Look closely at the points of concern in your mouth and try to see if your gums are changing colors or your teeth.

Could the Problem Be Decay at the Gumline?

Most often, gray lines or spots around the gum line are a sign of decay. Because the areas where your teeth meet your gums can often be overlooked during brushing and flossing, this is a common area for decay to start to develop. Using your finger or fingernail, feel the area to see if there seems to be a difference in surface texture. If you fill dips and grooves, you may be dealing with decay.

Work with a Beaver Dam Dentist for Proper Diagnosis

Whether you are dealing with gum disease or decay at the gum line, both issues should be immediately addressed by a Beaver Dam dentist. Both problems can mean your smile is at risk and you could face further health threats without prompt treatment. Reach out to us at the office of Dr. Travis Wilson DMD to schedule an appointment for a proper diagnosis.

3 Best Ideas to Hygienically Store Your Toothbrush

While you know how to brush your teeth, you may not know the best way to store your toothbrush after you’re finished brushing. If you’ve just been tossing it into a medicine cabinet time after time, you’re going about it all wrong. To make sure you are storing your toothbrush in a proper hygienic manner, put these tips into practice in between visits to your Beaver Dam, KY dentist.

1. Upright Near a Window

To make sure your toothbrush is ready to go each and every time, place it in an upright position near a window so that it can air dry. By allowing fresh air to circulate around the head of your toothbrush, this will not only let it dry much quicker, but also ensure that it doesn’t wind up with bacteria and mold growing on the head and its bristles.

2. No Head Covers

While a head cover may be great for a golf club, it’s awful for a toothbrush. When you place a plastic cover over the head of your toothbrush or place the entire toothbrush inside a plastic bag or container, you are actually creating the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. Even if you think you’ve dried the bristles, they will not be completely dry, allowing bacteria to take up residence on the toothbrush you’ll soon be putting back into your mouth.

3. Away from Other Toothbrushes

If you have other folks in your household, try to store everyone’s toothbrushes away from one another so that they don’t touch. By doing this, you can not only be assured that they will dry properly in between uses, but also not allow germs to spread from one brush to another.

By letting your toothbrush breathe, keeping it cover-free, and allowing it to have its own space away from toothbrushes used by other family members, you can be much more confident the next time you prepare to brush your teeth. Contact your dentist in Owensboro, KY to learn more dental hygiene tips.

Portrait of a young smiling girl cleaning her teeth

Why Do I Wake Up With a Yucky Taste in My Mouth?

On television and in the movies, almost everyone wakes up having fresh breath. However, in the real world, things are a bit different. Thus, when you wake up most mornings, chances are you have a yucky and somewhat bitter taste in your mouth. If you’ve always wondered why this occurs, here are some possible reasons that your dentist in Beaver Dam, KY wants you to know.

Decreased Amount of Saliva

When you sleep, you have a decreased amount of saliva, which fortunately keeps you from drooling all night long. However, the lack of saliva tends to dry out your mouth during the night, resulting in the bitter taste you experience each morning.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Should you not be in the habit of brushing and flossing prior to bedtime, you may want to start if you wish to rid yourself of that yucky taste in your mouth each morning. By not brushing and flossing, you allow food particles to remain in your mouth for hours and hours, which also allows the formation of bacteria inside your mouth.

Smoking and Using Other Tobacco Products

If you are a smoker, use chewing tobacco, or other types of tobacco products on a regular basis, this is not only impacting your health in a very negative manner, but also may be the reason why you have such a bad taste in your mouth upon waking.

Health Issues

When you have diabetes, a sinus infection, postnasal drip, or other health issues, these are often accompanied by a bad taste in your mouth not only when you first wake up, but also at other times during the day.

Since that yucky taste in your mouth can be caused by these reasons as well as certain medications you take or foods you eat, talk to your Owensboro, KY dentist about what can be done to solve your problem.